There are hidden connections.  Oh yes!

We live in a mysterious world where coincidence, chance, fate, karma, bla bla are used on a daily basis to express an opinion of some things happening.  I am 45 years old, and believe me when i tell you that I have had to blurt such opinions out, even if only to myself, regularly for the past 35 years at least.  I thought I’ve seen it all.  I mean 35 years is a long time!

Evolving Technology

Aside from the physical world occurrences that we interpret by building connections, the technology realm has established several of those invisible connections.  Examples are our devices and routers, earphones and the player, you name it.  The question I will dare to ask is has there been an intersection between those and the ones in the physical world?

I am asking because for the past decade since getting married, ANY screen that is emitting with audio, always, and I mean always, involves an interruption.  Lie down at the end of the day, snack and drink on the table; seat as comfy as possible.  As the thumb nears the tv remote’s “ON” button, an omen appears; a warning of cryptic nature.  Click and the screen comes to life with promising winding down content.

Or not

Instead of marveling at the connections that have to be in place for me to enjoy a relaxing time, my mind tackles the meaning of the omen received.  I remember watching Friday the 13th at a much younger age, and I couldn’t sleep for several weeks.  This omen is far more worrying than even that movie that contributed to the contagious white hairs on the sides of my head.

An omen of connections.  What was it?  As the colors of the screen start to occupy the larger space in my mind, the image of the mysterious omen subsides.  To tell you the truth, I never feared a lightbulb that needs changing.  Nor a list of groceries.  Even questions, or conversations for that matter.  I did and still do, though, fear commands.  But all these have one thing in common.  A connection so bizarre, I am unable to explain it even though it happens frequently, and is actually a 100% predictable.

You’re Watching TV?

And horror materializes.  I built on this horror too much, as it is well deserved.  The omen finally takes form.  Sound waves.  Yes, sounds waves resonate in deafening horror.  The origin of these waves is always the same.  My spouse.  Your spouse, partner, better half, or whatever picture you give the highly-organized and comprehensible sound wave generator.

Honestly, the only time i’ve been able to finish an episode, movie, or anything on TV was when my spouse was at a different location, with her phone battery exhausted.  And that happens – never.  It’s a perplexing phenomenon and I am writing about it in hopes of getting it out there, and let all other dads in the universe know they are not alone.  I’d be all alone, and as soon as I hit play, the phone rings or I receive a whatsapp voice note.  You would say “well, you can hear the note later”.  Really?  Would you even dare?

The Art of Association

It’s always the same scenario with different snacks, seating positions or what’s playing.  But it’s amazingly consistent in it’s happening!  Conversations every few minutes, questions about life, philosophy, the astounding complexity of the natural world, the grocery list.  Can be something as peculiar about the shape of the salt-shaker on our table during dinner on the 3rd day of our honeymoon.

I am sure I missed many, but here it is.  A click and then constant interruptions.  Before Netflix, Prime videos, Apple TV+, rewinding was a problem.  I really think that these streaming platforms’ best selling advantage for dads is rewinding in case of interruptions.  Or should I say “after interruptions”; “in case” is highly misleading and gives one hope that they may finish watching without distractions.

Between the ads every 5 minutes on MBC or other free TV, and the interruptions, you’re lucky if you catch the name of the movie you’re watching – I mean “won’t be watching”.

I’m Not Watching

It’s the backdrop audio to the constant interruptions.  Test me if you think i’m exaggerating.  Ask me about any movies pre-wedding day, and post-wedding day.  They are extremes.  Fully-informed to completely ignorant, instantaneously.  Unless its a movie my better half likes.

For example, I know my partner watches many transcribed soap operas.  To an extent, i’m informed about these more than your average intro-climax-ending scripts that Hollywood distributes.  I’d be walking across the room, when i notice her watching one of these shows.  I heat dinner in the microwave then sit down to eat it.  On average this is at least 30 minutes where my eyes are fixated on what she is watching.  The scene that was on when i started to heat the food is still the same one on by the time I finish eating.  At first, I’d think she is watching them in slow motion, but it turns out in these soap operas, when two are looking at each other it can take between 15 to 60 minutes to finish the scene depending on why they are looking at each other.

If it is love at first sight, there goes 30 minutes.  If it is about the guy cheating, we’re looking at about 15 to 25 minutes of her giving him the look.  If it was her cheating, then we’re looking at those 60 minutes of his serious, divine and sexy stare he gives her.  Unicorns start forming on your cornea. The camera slowly captures each detailed feature of their faces, to an extent where, had I not known better, I’d have thought the show was about beauty cremes and how they affect the facial radiance or something.

But back to our topic.  It really doesn’t matter when you’re trying “not to watch”.  I sometimes “not watch” late at night after everyone is sleeping.  Minding my own business at 2 a.m., earphones in my ear as my hopes go up to completing the useless achievement of watching a movie from beginning to end, when out of nowhere an earphone pops out and I hear, “give yourself a break.  Rest your eyes.  Its not good for you.”

A Really Hidden Connection 

Yes, it’s there.  You are not alone.  We love our better halves.  They are truly better.  I can’t imagine life without them and I’m actually terrified of what I would become if I’m left to my own devices, but I also miss watching something on a screen without an interruption.  I sometimes like to watch late at night lying peacefully in bed without getting scared half to death.

Instead, I now ponder the hidden connections between physical and technological events in our world, and as a believer of conspiracy theories, I am still unable to find a more mysterious connection than that between spouses and audio-generating screens captured by a dad’s focused eyes.  We should start a movie club with random locations of gathering.  That means we have to leave our phones at home as well.  But in the end, missing a few movies and winning a home is worth it.

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